Artificial intelligence for the public sector Secure, local and scalable with the ]init[ AI Platform

Artificial intelligence is an important driver of innovation for end-to-end digitization in public administration. We develop open source-based AI solutions with the ]init[ AI Platform as the technological basis. We operate our AI apps securely in our own data center.

When it comes to AI, many people first think of the impressive - or sometimes disappointing - new AI apps that can generate text or images at the touch of a button. However, it is only when AI models are integrated into organizations' processes and applications in a tailored manner that the true added value is created. Contrary to common assumptions, this is also possible with open source solutions that meet the high data protection and data security requirements in Germany and the EU.

To make this possible, we have brought together specialists from various fields in an AI task force. They evaluate the opportunities of AI in public administration and quickly implement the technology in projects.

AI offers a lot of potential, but is usually not understood as a tool for existing systems. With the ]init[ AI Platform, we are making the technology accessible to administrations and creating new, future-proof standards.

Tom Schlansky

Key Portfolio Manager AI & Data

Digital sovereignty

The public sector has special digitalization requirements - especially in the context of AI. To ensure that positive scenarios do not remain dreams of the future, we continuously assess the opportunities and risks of AI in the public sector. The key question: how do we combine the dynamic development of AI with important guard rails such as data protection, transparency and traceability?

With our approach, we deliver on the promise of digital sovereignty by being able to design, develop and operate AI applications in Germany. Whether as a proprietary solution from the cloud or with open source models that are operated entirely in Germany or the EU:

  • On-premise solutions: Full data sovereignty
    We have set up the infrastructure for independent AI servers with their own processing pipelines. This enables us to implement complex, computationally intensive tasks such as semantic searches and AI chatbots.
  • Cloud solutions: Fast prototypes
    Where data protection and data security requirements are low, e.g. in prototyping, we rely on scalable AI services in the cloud. They enable fast proof-of-concepts or particularly cost-effective mass processing of publicly available data.

Our approach


Strong portfolio

We have built up a differentiated AI portfolio in customer projects as well as for internal value creation processes. With broad expertise in all areas, we can provide comprehensive advice and implement and operate AI solutions ourselves.


Identifying potential

The administration is at the beginning of a steep learning curve when it comes to AI. We provide the technical and creative resources to quickly identify added value with labs and prototypes.


Broad network

We are up to date with the latest AI developments: our network is innovative and strong in implementation - from agile implementation partners and leading technology providers to developers of our own basic models.

]init[ AI Platform

Our AI strategy becomes concrete in the ]init[ AI Platform - an implementation platform that enables the rapid deployment of user-friendly, trustworthy and secure AI applications with reusable components. The seamless integration of AI apps into end-to-end platforms achieves a high level of maturity in the end-to-end digitalization and automation of administrative processes. The following proof-of-concepts are currently bundled with the ]init[ AI Platform:

  • Question-answer AI

    Web application for natural language search and interaction with FAQs - as a relief for the support hotline.

  • Smart Check AI module 

    Rule-based AI that fully automates complex inspection processes in specialist procedures and generates decision templates.

  • Knowledge Assistant Application Review 

    AI-based extension for specialist procedures that enables complex application documents to be analyzed and checked quickly.

  • Smart Check application documents

    Computer vision module for specialist procedures that automatically processes manually completed, signed and scanned application documents.

  • Intranet search

    Integration of a natural language search for significantly improved access to knowledge pools - open source based.

  • AI application assistant

    Chatbot in the online form, which enables applicants to ask any comprehensible question directly and receive comprehensible answers as if from an expert.

  • Chatbot Recruiting-Website

    AI-based chatbot for potential applicants that provides individual and factual information about the organization and relieves the HR department.

  • AI and accessibility

    Evaluating and harnessing the potential of AI for accessible online applications

Leveraging potential in the public sector

  • Faster and easier processing and creation of text information for and in internal workflows: Creation of memos, merging and summarizing documents, creation of cabinet and committee documents, creation of minutes
  • Automation in specialist procedures to increase efficiency and speed up as well as reduce the required personnel capacities: Generation and creation of applications, in processing and review, in the decision-making process 
  • Faster processing and addition of audio-visual information and content: translations, subtitles for video and live streaming, dubbing of text information in multiple languages, etc.
  • Dialogue-supported new access and research options for text information for users: Explanation and clarification of programs, initiatives, laws, clarification of application eligibility beyond FAQs 

From the idea to operation

Because AI is breaking down boundaries as a new "universal technology" like electricity or the internet, our team of experts is working across all service areas on interdisciplinary solutions for the administrative work and communication of the future. Our service approach addresses typical customer issues.

  • What is the right AI solution for me? 
    We advise on the right use of AI
  • How can I adapt AI to my specialty? 
    We design specialist AI solutions
  • How can I have AI-specific tasks performed? 
    We implement AI models that optimize and automate processes
  • How can I use AI safely? 
    We can design and implement customized solutions that take data protection and data security issues into account

Shape the digital society of tomorrow with us!

Roberto Santovito, Ironforge Consulting AG

Roberto Santovito


+41 31 511 23 24