Project: Cloud-enabling office automation CEBA
The Federal Chancellery wanted to create the conditions for public cloud and hybrid cloud at federal administration level. During the concept phase, we provided expertise and worked together to find solutions.
What is it about?
The Cloud Enabling Office Automation (CEBA) project is a project of the Federal Chancellery (FC). The aim of the project is to create all the prerequisites (technical, legal, organizational, etc.) for using public cloud or hybrid cloud solutions for office automation in the Federal Administration. As part of this project, various solution variants were examined and corresponding analyses prepared. During the concept phase, the service procurers were given the opportunity to gain experience and build up expertise in test environments.
The employees of Ironforge took on PMO tasks in the project and were involved in testing the functionalities as part of the M365 study. They have in-depth expertise in these areas and were able to support us efficiently and actively in our project. The collaboration with Ironforge was always professional and collegial. We would like to thank the employees and Ironforge for their support
Project management cloud enabling office automation CEBA
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Roberto Santovito
+41 31 511 23 24