Project: Mil terminal & federal unbundling
In the federal unbundling project, we helped the FUB command support base to transfer its office automation to the FOITT. To enable the FUB to concentrate on its core tasks again, we jointly drove forward the development of a special deployment client.
What is it about?
The Federal Council has decided that the Command Support Base (CSB) of the Department of Defense, Civil Protection and Sport (DDPS) should refocus on its core tasks. For this reason, the FUB's basic systems are being unbundled in the federal unbundling project. In a first phase, office automation will be transferred from the FUB to the FOITT. In order for the strategy to be implemented, the creation of a special deployment client will be driven forward in a second step. This should then cover the spectrum of applications relevant to the deployment.
The client benefit
We support the FUB both in the unbundling project and in the Mil Endgerät project in the areas of project management and project coordination.
Our services
Got questions? We've got the answers.

Roberto Santovito
+41 31 511 23 24